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GT3 Touring


PCGB Member
Dear All

I apologise if this subject has been done to death but.....

Has anyone received an allocation for a GT3 Touring as I have absolutely fallen for this car and desperate to get one as a change from my 991.1 GTS.

ive read that the car isn't limited in numbers by Porsche but suspect the allocations are still somewhat of a challenge. I've tried my local OPC having purchased 911 and Boxster from them in the past and having my car serviced there but suspect these will go to 'favoured' clients.

i work bloody hard for my money and with the GTS as a part ex and cash am lucky enough to be able to buy a well spec ed car and being an enthusiast for over 30 years it seems crazy Porsche won't take my money.

Any tips?

Have people tried going through mainland European dealers or brokers.


Cut a long story short, the Touring GT3 is just an option on the GT3 allocation that the OPCs have for 2018. The 2018 allocation has recently been given to the OPCs, which are less than their 2017 numbers, and they all have lists as long as your arm for them. So in truth, you're unlikely to get one, but stranger things have happened..

You have already contributed to the thread earlier in the year, so you are aware that Shmee got his car in Germany as he couldn't get one in the UK, but that is lhd, of course. An possible option, but probably an expensive one, given the state of the pound in Euroland.

As above. If you have a GT3 allocation, then you can select the Touring option. But the number of GT3s being built is very limited and I suspect they are all spoken for.

However, the next best thing might be the 991 'T'. This has a similar ethos to the Touring, and if you choose all the right options, you would come close for a lot less money. It's what I'd do.
Thanks guys, sounds like a familiar story although still worth persevering and pesterering the local OPC in case of a few drop outs.

I have to say I am less convinced on the 'T' which seems like a marketing ploy by Porsche rather than a true lightweight car, and refer the normally aspirated engines.

As others have said you are unlikely to get a GT3 unless you have a significant track record of Porsche ownership as there are so few. My OPC (Tewkesbury) had 5 this year and the same amount next year. Whilst I like the idea of owning a car that doesn't depreciate over 3 years, for what I want to drive, the GT3 doesn't do it for me, After 14.5K miles and not quite 2 years I went from a 991.1 GTS to the 991.2 GTS (via a 991.2 4S) and it's a superb car. Far better than the previous car in my opinion, so much easier to drive quickly and far more fuel efficient to go with it. Plus you get a lower chassis (coupe) and if you specify PDCC and Rear Wheel Steer you have the next best 911 to a GT3 as far as a track car is concerned but for long distance continental driving in my opinion revving away at 3.5K in a GT3 at motorway legal speeds for several hours will get rather tiresome.
I agree with you there Adrian, if I was fortunate enough to be offered a GT3, it would not suit my requirements needed for my everyday car, hence a GTS. Also. I do not do track days.


You can do what I have had to do when I could not get an allocation pay overs for someone's flipped car.
I like you would like a GT3 but was told by my OPC as I'd not bought 6 cars of them recently I had no chance, besides the depreciation I would have lost on those 6 cars would be about the same as the overs I would need to pay so stop complaining. Nice response from the OPC I have been using for the 6 years I've lived in the area. So I guess if I really want one it will mean paying overs again, this would be the 3rd time.
In the meantime I've changed the OPC I use.
Hi Geoff

OPCs these days do not have any idea of rewarding customer loyalty. I had an issue with my local OPC that I had been dealing with for over 30 years. For servicing and new car purchases I will spread my net much much further when the time comes. It was not like this when the previous dealer principle was there.

Thanks guys, all very helpful feedback. I've spoken to a few brokers and no go, submitted a configured car to local OPC and not heard anything. I've looked for a used example JZM have one for £190k (not touring and nice spec) which I think is a bit of the Michael although sure they will sell

i tried the new GTS at a full days tuition at Silverstone and very impressive but felt a little too easy to go fast without working the car and I missed the sound of the normally aspirated to be honest.

as I say I appreciate the thoughts and will try to euro lottery this week so I can buy a used one....

4 For Sale on Pistonheads never mind those sold under the counter.

Who said the flipping had stopped - Says a lot for the OPC's careful selection process !
What really annoys me is the OPC can't even be arsed to phone or send an email following submission of the new car configutor when my comments say I've bought and serviced cars at their dealership for a number of years.

£120k of new car and can't even be bothered to call you back, very poor service

i know now someone is going to say they don't need to because if supply and demand but that's not the point, I get better service from the local corner shop

ok I'll stop moaning now
I got a call back after sending my configuration
they just said " no cars available "
but you can order a brand new bog standard 991
I've got my GT3 Touring arriving at the beginning of February so it will probably be registered on 1st March. As someone else has said the Touring is only available to people who already have a GT3 allocation and the 2018 allocations have been cut from the 2017 ones.

p.s. I am not selling the car and intend to use it. [:)]
Must say I'm not up on all the models but there's a used GT3RS at Porsche Hatfield for £ Green.. 2 owners...under 2k miles...

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