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Hampton Court Castle Sun 9th June


New member
Sun 9th June Hampton Court Castle, Hope-Under-Dinmore, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0PN

organised by John Lord R13

Easily accessible to many parts of the Country and a fine drive out for those further a-field. In principle, this is intended as a truly family event at a stately home and a show by PCGB. Hampton Court Castle are offering free entry in a Porsche and upon production of a Membership Card, a discount of 20% for any food purchased on Site. You may of course, bring a picnic. We need to produce at least 20 cars to qualify for this offer.

We will also be holding an informal Concours at the event (expect some prizes).

The day will be open to the public, so a great opportunity for good public relations. Further details will be available in the next Porsche Post.. However, please feel free to contact John Lord, if you have any queries.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For the benefit of region 9 members here is the latest on this event. The venue is Hampton Court Castle near Leominster, which is a 15th century castle in gardens and parkland. I haven't been, but friends that have say it is well worth a visit. More info can be found here: Date is Sunday June 9th and all Porsches gain free access to the grounds and gardens. Any PCGB member can come along. The format has changed to a "street concours" which means that you present your car just as it normally is. Presumably we will have a parking area allocated to us so as to make a nice display for other visitors. Should be a pleasant drive and a good day out. John (RO region 13) needs to know numbers, so anyone interested should please advise him via the region 13 thread.
Hi David, Following the AGM, I am now pleased to announce that Hampton Court Castle will now go ahead as an invitation to the whole Club, to present a display of Porsches. Any prizes will be ad-hoc on the day. Please encourage your members to join us for a great day out on the 9th June. Look at for a good round view of the site. See, also Club web, Events. Regards. John

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