You are joking I take it?
I had mine serviced just before I sold it (traded it in, luckily). Service on Wednesday, trade-in on Sunday, phone call on Monday "there was no oil in the car, we topped it up but it's smoking like a chimney now. It needs a rebuild and we've been quoted £5k, where did you get it serviced?". And they dented the door and had the cheek to write it had a damaged door on the service report but denied they'd done it.
Then there was the time the Exeter dealer had the car because it would just suddenly lose power and (not at the same time) the "check engine" light would come on. They tried to give it back after a day with no fault found. I made them keep it but they took their courtesy car back. I got it back after a week with still no fault found. I ask what the check engine light was and they check again (I kid you not, they didn't know) and said it was the lambda. "Are you going to replace it then?" "Oh, we thought it was an old code and it had already been fixed". Why would they think that? They hadn't replaced it and what sort of dealer would replace a part and not reset the ECU fault code? Unbelieveable.
I also asked them 4 times to get me a price for a set of replacement floor mats, a new sticker for the boot as mine had faded and a quote for a WRC rear spoiler - couldn't ever remember to do it.
Seriously, my experience of Subaru dealers is that they make Alfa dealers look OK and SEAT fantastic.