My S2 failed its MOT a couple of weeks ago, rusty sills and offside headlamp aim too low.
I’ve just got the car back from getting brand new sills fitted and thought I’d have a 2 minute job adjusting the headlight but no amount of turning on the adjustment screw has had any effect at all.
The MOT expires on Thursday and I’d hate to think I’ve had new sills done but can’t get another because of the light!
Is there anything else I can do to get the headlight aim a bit higher, even if it’s just a temporary fix for now?
It’s noticeably a few inches lower than the other side.
I’ve just got the car back from getting brand new sills fitted and thought I’d have a 2 minute job adjusting the headlight but no amount of turning on the adjustment screw has had any effect at all.
The MOT expires on Thursday and I’d hate to think I’ve had new sills done but can’t get another because of the light!
Is there anything else I can do to get the headlight aim a bit higher, even if it’s just a temporary fix for now?
It’s noticeably a few inches lower than the other side.