Looking for a bit of advice.
took my 02 996 turbo to porsche nottingham for the recent car clinic and was really pleased with the service and help I received allmost no problems with the car just minor. Side light broken (replaced foc ) boot lamp not working now fixed (loose connection) the only other thing was turbo heat shields missing.
The technician showed me under the car and showed me where the heat shields should be and they were completely gone and the three nuts holding them on and the manifold to the turbo on one side were all missing but nothing is loose . i guess they have all coroded together.
this is where i need the advice
the car is booked in for a major service on 4th nov
the service manager has ordered the new nuts and heat shields. i have been reading on the forums about this being a common problem and they dont last very long after replacement. i have owned the car about 18 months and have no idea how long the shields have been missing they may well have been missing when i bought the car or they may have fell off on the way to the opc i just dont know.
should i have them replaced as a matter of urgency at quite a heavy cost even when added to the cost of the service or if as i expect i have been happily using the car for 18 months with no heat shields with no problems so would it be ok to just put the new nuts on and not bother about putting new heat shields on.
My faith has been restored in opc (Nottingham) and am really happy that my car will be going to them for the major service and will keep my service book all opc stamps. just dont want to add to the cost if there is no real need.
does anybody else run their car without the turbo heat shields fitted or is it a big no no.
took my 02 996 turbo to porsche nottingham for the recent car clinic and was really pleased with the service and help I received allmost no problems with the car just minor. Side light broken (replaced foc ) boot lamp not working now fixed (loose connection) the only other thing was turbo heat shields missing.
The technician showed me under the car and showed me where the heat shields should be and they were completely gone and the three nuts holding them on and the manifold to the turbo on one side were all missing but nothing is loose . i guess they have all coroded together.
this is where i need the advice
the car is booked in for a major service on 4th nov
the service manager has ordered the new nuts and heat shields. i have been reading on the forums about this being a common problem and they dont last very long after replacement. i have owned the car about 18 months and have no idea how long the shields have been missing they may well have been missing when i bought the car or they may have fell off on the way to the opc i just dont know.
should i have them replaced as a matter of urgency at quite a heavy cost even when added to the cost of the service or if as i expect i have been happily using the car for 18 months with no heat shields with no problems so would it be ok to just put the new nuts on and not bother about putting new heat shields on.
My faith has been restored in opc (Nottingham) and am really happy that my car will be going to them for the major service and will keep my service book all opc stamps. just dont want to add to the cost if there is no real need.
does anybody else run their car without the turbo heat shields fitted or is it a big no no.