Active member
Hi all,
As this is a Saturday, can anyone local enough to Silverstone please consider helping out with the setup for the modern Registers day, details below? Although it's themed around the modern cars it's for all Registers, and Silverstone is always a great venue.
As this is a Saturday, can anyone local enough to Silverstone please consider helping out with the setup for the modern Registers day, details below? Although it's themed around the modern cars it's for all Registers, and Silverstone is always a great venue.
Dear fellow members
Please may I request some extra help for Silverstone event build up on the saturday 22nd may prior to the event on the 23rd the next day, if you can help this would be much apprecaited.
Please contact myself johnny Mcgirl on email for timings etc
Lunch and refreshments provided and petrol assistance offered for travelling.
Please help if you can, I have promised Barry Smith faithfully that we as active members can put the event together without 3rd party payment to contractual the PCGB finances eh!