Interesting situation today on the S2. Started fine and set off up the A32. Charging gauge seemed to be stuck on 14volts rather than a touch under although this did not concern me overly.
However, when I flashed to let someone out of a junction there was a dramatic dip in performance which was fine again as soon as the lights went out. Every time I flashed the lights, the same loss of power.
Thought it might be alternator so switched off fan stereo etc to save battery. Car got me to Basingstoke fine, switched it off and when i turned the key back on nothing. No interior light, dash lights central locking etc. looks like I'd driven the car on the alternator only?
Battery is only 7 months old and a decent Bosch. Went into meeting thinking i'd need to get her trailered back.
Came out 1 1/2 hours later and normal service resumed drove back to Winchester with no problems.
Think this happened about 5 months ago but forgot all about it.
Is there a relay that can cause this problem? One assumes it won't cure itself []
However, when I flashed to let someone out of a junction there was a dramatic dip in performance which was fine again as soon as the lights went out. Every time I flashed the lights, the same loss of power.
Thought it might be alternator so switched off fan stereo etc to save battery. Car got me to Basingstoke fine, switched it off and when i turned the key back on nothing. No interior light, dash lights central locking etc. looks like I'd driven the car on the alternator only?
Battery is only 7 months old and a decent Bosch. Went into meeting thinking i'd need to get her trailered back.
Came out 1 1/2 hours later and normal service resumed drove back to Winchester with no problems.
Think this happened about 5 months ago but forgot all about it.
Is there a relay that can cause this problem? One assumes it won't cure itself []