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Hihaving collected my Guards red


New member

having collected my guards red 2.9 is there a need to "run it in"?

I have always kept new cars to below 4000rpm for the first 1k then increased gradually to full revs from there. Also I avoid long runs at a stady speed in the same gear for the first 1k and go easy on the brakes to "bed them in".

Am I showing my age and being old fashioned here?

Your seem to have got it right with the running in technique. Someone told me the running in period is specified as 2000 km that would correspond to 1200 miles for the 4k rev limit. It probably does it good to have short spells above 4k as long as the engine oil is thoroughly warm, that takes about 20 mins after starting I recall when I tried a 997. My old 2.7 loosened up a lot after 1000 miles and really wanted to rev. Present 3.4 still under 1k so cant say about the new DFi engine.
In the front of my owners manual it says to do something broadly similar to what you describe - but amusingly for "1000km (1000miles)" [:D]

The engines have all been run and tested at the factory, but certainly a few years back Porsceh were still advising a break-in period.

Hi Mark

am trying to upload a picture of the new car as my avatar but all I am getting is a red cross where the photo should be!

It is sub 145 x145 and 20kb and I didnt have this problem last time.

Am I missing something?

When you upload your avatar remember to click 'Apply' at the bottom of the page otherwise you'll get the red cross
Hi Nicolas
I have just checked and it looks ok to me. Try removing it and then reinstalling it. Max size 155 x 155 and 10MB
Thanks guys

it was the apply button I was missing...duh I will write out 100 times "I must scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions"!

I have to agree Guards Red is a fantastic colour. First coat of Zymol on yesterday!


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