Every finn is better driver than average drivers are. At least that is the answer you get if you discuss with us finns. Motorsport has been popular here always, but i suppose we have to thank you guys in UK what made motorsport even popular. During the '60's guys like Timo Makinen, Rauno Aaltonen etc. had an opportunity to drive factory Mini's. If you have learned your rally lessons you know, the rest is big motorsport history. Later guys like Hannu Mikkola, Ari Vatanen etc. did the same with Ford Escorts. Well, that's what happend on gravel, track is a different story. More or less it was two Mikas (Hakkinen & Salo) who started it all.In UK again ! Both of them went to F1, Salo had not a possibility to drive decent cars, but Hakkinen made it. Kimi Raikkonen was a different type of person, a man who goes his own paths; more like natural child. I suppose if you are not a finn, you cannot understand his mentality at all. He is far better rally driver than Hakkinen is. btw. most finnish top track drivers also attend at least once a year to Arctic Rally which is held in finnish Lappland. That was the place where Raikkonen drove his first rally. Rally is far more popular here than F1, mainly because we have had a lot of succes during the last 50 years on rally. Nowadays couple of frenchmen dominate, but there is a mile long queue of very talented finnish rally drivers waiting their chance to make international break through. I suppose succes in sports usually cause more people to join that particular sports. When Finland won icehockey championship lots of youngsters started to play hockey. I suppose it was the same thing in Sweden when Bjorn Borg was a top tennis player; lots of young swedes started to play tennis. Finnish rally drivers are usually country boys.They have a chance to drive on gravel roads from very young age (illegally of course). Also after harvest they can practice on fields. Then we have about 100.000 lakes (quite big ones), so that's gives a possibility to drive on ice.
btw. That race track May & Hakkinen drove Mercedes, is a Ahvenisto track, which is located about 100km's north from Helsinki. We drive our Porsches there many times during the summer.