I drove my wifes Targa on Friday and do not remember the battery having low charge. This Monday evening the battery is completely flat, the needle doesn't come off the stops!, and the lights were off, doors closed, the only question being whether the alarm has being going off.
Am going to call the RAC out once I have time to drive car ( or transport car to garage ).
What do you think? Has anyone else had a battery go this quickly?
The battery was run flat three months ago when the alternator failed but appears to have been in good health ever since.
Yours Perplexed
Am going to call the RAC out once I have time to drive car ( or transport car to garage ).
What do you think? Has anyone else had a battery go this quickly?
The battery was run flat three months ago when the alternator failed but appears to have been in good health ever since.
Yours Perplexed