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Ignition switch


New member
I need to fit a new inginition switch assembly to my car. Going to go for a second hand part, is this unit only used on a 944 as I was told it could possibly be common with several Audi models, this would be useful to know as it gives me a lot more choice and will probably save me money (1983 944)

I've got an ignition switch / steering lock but am still missing the plug that fits on the switch, I've got a chance a local breakers may be able to get hold of one next week, if not I'm going to have to connect it to the loom using insulated spade conectors. Problem is my manual doesn't tell me which wires got to which pins on the ignition switch, does any one have this info? it's a 1984 car with the round type plug.

I have found som info for 84 USA spec (which I presume controls daylight running lights as well) don't know if it will be any use but anyway.

terminal 30 Red (4.0)
terminal 50 Red/black (4.0)
terminal 15 2xblack (1.5) (0.5)
terminal Su red/black (0.5)
terminal X blk/yel (2.5)
terminal P gr (1.0)

I think the numbers in brackets may refer to the current so should be reflected in wire diameters.

There were some recent posts on the 924 forum about ignition switches so they may be able to help out,
I've got an ignition switch / steering lock but am still missing the plug that fits on the switch

OK, simple question time.

How come the plug is not still attached to all the wires that go to the ignition switch ?

I don't think individual Lucar (spade) connectors are a good idea - they may not all be the standard 1/4 inch, for a start, and also could be a real b*gg*r to fit individually (unless they can be fitted before installing the switch ?).
How come the plug is not still attached to all the wires that go to the ignition switch ?

Because last time ther b*st*ards nicked it they cut the plug off in order to hotwire it!

I agree, using spade connectors is not a great idea but faced with no plug it's the only option I have at the moment!

Apologies if my last post appeared to be a bit blunt, but even though the car had this damage inflicted upon it whilst in the possesion of it's previous owner, it still p#ss#s me off when I see what the mindless poeple do too other poeples possesions!

Ok. apology over, managed to get hold of the correct plug, even though the sparks at work rigged up a nice loom complete with heavy duty, insulated spade connectors, to connect to the cut wires. The fitting is fairly simple albeit a bit fiddley, managed to put it all back together and miss out the plastic sleeve that behind the steering wheel but got there in the end, no more hot wiring, so time to get on with the rest of the work!


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