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Indicator weirdness


New member
Hi all,
So I have a 2004 996 C2 Cab. The indicators are working intermittently, but completely intermittently with no pattern. This started 2 weeks ago, the day after it passed its MOT!
Sometimes when I indicate, they just go on and stay solid (no blinking), sometimes they start blinking and then stop, sometimes they don't work at all, sometimes they are absolutely fine, no problems at all.
Returning the stalk to middle and trying again sorts any issues out.
This affects both L&R side, the hazards seem to be ok. When I stop and check all around the car, all bulbs seem to be in fine working order.

I do have an (possibly linked) issue where the LHS headlight sometimes slips forward under heavy braking and the main beam wont work until its pushed back.

Anyone got any ideas where the problem lies? I have looked and cant find this particular issue on any forums. Thanks!!

vespakandy said:
Hi all,
So I have a 2004 996 C2 Cab. The indicators are working intermittently, but completely intermittently with no pattern. This started 2 weeks ago, the day after it passed its MOT!
Sometimes when I indicate, they just go on and stay solid (no blinking), sometimes they start blinking and then stop, sometimes they don't work at all, sometimes they are absolutely fine, no problems at all.
Returning the stalk to middle and trying again sorts any issues out.
This affects both L&R side, the hazards seem to be ok. When I stop and check all around the car, all bulbs seem to be in fine working order.

I do have an (possibly linked) issue where the LHS headlight sometimes slips forward under heavy braking and the main beam wont work until its pushed back.

Anyone got any ideas where the problem lies? I have looked and cant find this particular issue on any forums. Thanks!!

I'm willing to hazard a guess in one of two places.

1. Your "loose" headlight. I was about to suggest you get some lighter fluid or similar on the male multiplug for the headlight units but now my suggestion is that you do this and clean them prior to fixing the loose headlight unit.
Why do I think this? I took my headlights out a few weeks ago to clean up the "glass" and on the subsequent journey had the n/s headlight go off altogether AND the indicator go onto double speed. I pulled over, pushed on the headlight "glass" and we're been right as rain ever since.

2. If this doesn't do it, the next likely culprit is the indicator stalk assembly: they just play tricks and either you dismantle and clean every contact or you fit a replacement.

Let us know won't you?
Thanks all, very useful help, I appreciate your time. I will get one today and report back.
The intermittent signal has gone as far as generally not working at all. The indicators flash once or twice and stop, that is, if they work at all!


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