Fens right, you need to add resistors due to the different impedance of other injectors or you will fry your ECU. Also larger injectors will not run properly without some form of piggy back ECU modification or DME chip specifically for the injector size you need. There is plenty of experience of people running other sized and other branded injectors (Delphi seem to be quite popular) so no point in deviating from the understood wisdom. My Promax level 2 chips have a secondry map for 65lb injectors selectable via the FQS switch though i'm still running stock injectors. There are some schools of thought which say running too large injectors will give you worse combustion as the duty cycle will be so low you wont get proper atomisation of the fuel through the injector nozzle as the injector is not open long enough for the fuel flow to be properly established, however Vitesse seems to run 75lb injectors perfectly fine with his kits (stock injectors are around 43lbs or thereabouts).