Only £300, thats not a bad price when you consider the price I was quoted by RAC Autowindscreens for a replacement hatch, when some total d&*khead put a brick through mine a couple of months ago. I called my insurance Co. to make a claim, I thought the £50 windscreen XS would cover a new one. RAC quoted me, wait for it now folks, I hope your all sitting comfortably £4000.00 for a replacement, direct form Stuttgart, as no new ones were available in this country. That price, I was informed by the friendly man at RAC was the best discount he could find. The insurance wouldn't cough up, they did tell me that they would write the car off for me. I managed to get a good 2nd hand hatch for £60 and fitted myself, saving a write off. This is all unfortunatly true. You try calling your insurance copany for a rear hatch quote!!!