Posted on here for alternative opinions ...
My S2 seems to have developed an occasional misfire. It happened once over the weekend, and two or three times on the way in this morning. It seems to happen in the mid-range (rather than at idling), and under load. When driven gently it is as smooth as usual. First time it happened (Saturday evening) was when the engine was cold and it was fine for the rest of the journey. This morning it happened a couple of times while the engine was hot.
My immediate suspicions are leads and rotor arm. The dizzy cap was new moderately recently (within the last year or so), but the leads and arm are at least 5 years old. They don't seem in bad shape visually, but I think I know better than to trust visual appearance for these things.
So, new leads and arm are to be fitted, which I am hoping will cure the problem - they were on my list of 'things to do' anyway, and this has precipitated doing them. However, what else could it be? What else should I be looking at if the new leads and plugs don't solve it.
(For reference, the 'cut' is a bit of a stutter, is very intermittant, and clears after less than a second. The plugs are less than 5k miles old and the fuel filter about 20k miles old. The fuel tank is over 3/4 full. I have done no diagnosis on the problem whatsoever, and the car runs fine otherwise.)
Posted on here for alternative opinions ...
My S2 seems to have developed an occasional misfire. It happened once over the weekend, and two or three times on the way in this morning. It seems to happen in the mid-range (rather than at idling), and under load. When driven gently it is as smooth as usual. First time it happened (Saturday evening) was when the engine was cold and it was fine for the rest of the journey. This morning it happened a couple of times while the engine was hot.
My immediate suspicions are leads and rotor arm. The dizzy cap was new moderately recently (within the last year or so), but the leads and arm are at least 5 years old. They don't seem in bad shape visually, but I think I know better than to trust visual appearance for these things.
So, new leads and arm are to be fitted, which I am hoping will cure the problem - they were on my list of 'things to do' anyway, and this has precipitated doing them. However, what else could it be? What else should I be looking at if the new leads and plugs don't solve it.
(For reference, the 'cut' is a bit of a stutter, is very intermittant, and clears after less than a second. The plugs are less than 5k miles old and the fuel filter about 20k miles old. The fuel tank is over 3/4 full. I have done no diagnosis on the problem whatsoever, and the car runs fine otherwise.)