My 964 C2 has the RS clutch and flywheel and it does make the car quite hard work. The idle is fine and steady, the problems tend to be in low speed manoeuvering, especially going from 1st to reverse repeatedly trying to get into parking spaces, the revs fall off so quickly that it often stalls (stalled 4 times trying to get into a parking space last night !!), though curiously it is fine in stop start London traffic. The other place it can be a problem is decelerating and changing down from 3rd to 2nd at roundabouts - stalls quite a lot, though momentum bump starts it immediately. These problems are an inconvenience, but I am learning how to drive round them by using a few more revs than I would normally and shifting quicker. In due course I will have the ECU remapped and that should help too. It is not something that should put you off purchasing as it is no more than a minor, occasional inconvenience, though as mentioned above and in teh Rennlist thread it does seem to be a real insoluble problem on some 964s. You will just have to drive it and see........