Jon Darlington
New member
Hello all
Long time and no posts, I have been working on the car since Dec 2006 to turn in from a solid but ratty looking 12 to a nice clean looking car set-up for fast road and the odd track day.
Just got the car fully back together yesterday, charged the battery over night, turn the engine over a few times this morning to try the new starter motor and move some oil around the engine. All was working well then the dash started smoking and flames started to pop out from around the steering column.....[8|] I grabed the fire extinguisher (handily under the dash) jumped out of the car disconnected the battery (handy cut of switch) went back to the inside to see the flames had gone but still loads of smoke.[&:] Not wanting to cover my nearly trimmed interior with foam, I held back to see what happen........luckily nothing [8|]
To add extra pain to the situation I broke the glass in my new exterior mirror when jumping out of the car to disconnect the battery.[
Couple of pics of how the car has changed: