The club have been invitied to attend the Clyde Region of Jaguar Enthusiasts Club on Sunday 12th June.
The Show is - Clyde Jaguar and Classic Day - Valley International Park, Crossford 10am till 4pm,
Entry is £4/car in advance and I have the entry form,
If anyone is wishing to attend - I can send you the entry form, or if there a few wishing to attend, send me the £4 and your details and I will send in a group booking.
The Show is - Clyde Jaguar and Classic Day - Valley International Park, Crossford 10am till 4pm,
Entry is £4/car in advance and I have the entry form,
If anyone is wishing to attend - I can send you the entry form, or if there a few wishing to attend, send me the £4 and your details and I will send in a group booking.