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January 2018 Club night and Event Reminder


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

A happy new year to you all.

Just a reminder that it's January club night this Wednesday the 10th of January. However, none of the usual features of club night. No raffle NAT etc etc. If you cant stay away come along, enjoy a Pie and a Pint and some Porsche banter. Your committee will be meeting putting together the final touches for the Regions 2018 events.
Forty percent off Main course food, got to to register.

Old Ferry Boat Inn - Home - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire ...
Old Ferry Boat Inn, St Ives, Cambridgeshire. 1.5K likes. British Restaurant


Lastly but no least, Just a few Space left for:-

Post Christmas Lunch Sunday 28th January 2018 Book now

[FONT=segoe ui, helvetica neue, sans-serif"]Tickets have been going quickly for our Post Christmas Lunch to be held at [FONT=verdana,geneva"]the Barns Hotel, Bedford. Date for your diary is Sunday the 28th of January 2018. We we have the exclusive use of the 13th century Tithe Barn for our event. More details can be found on the Hotel at We are pleased to report that we have kept the cost to you the same as last year. Advance tickets are £20 ph are subserdised by the R24 Raffle fund for Regional members only. The cost for non members and guests of the Region £24 ph.
You will need to pay and make your menu choice in advance. e mail me for details.
Advance bookings only. Bookings close Sunday 14th January 18.


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