Hi john, thanks for the figures you supplied for my charging issue, I have just had my system checked regarding out put, or not as the case appears.
When on tick over the battery reads 11:41 volts,
At 1500 rpm still no response or movement on figures,
When turning on all electrics the battery falls away to around 10 volts and continues to fall, no response to revving the engine.
Does this point straight at the alternater or could the regulater still be a possibilty.
Many thanks for any light you could throw at this problem.
Cheers Baz
When on tick over the battery reads 11:41 volts,
At 1500 rpm still no response or movement on figures,
When turning on all electrics the battery falls away to around 10 volts and continues to fall, no response to revving the engine.
Does this point straight at the alternater or could the regulater still be a possibilty.
Many thanks for any light you could throw at this problem.
Cheers Baz