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Kedleston Hall


PCGB Member
Hi all.
Just a polite reminder Kedleston Hall is on the Saturday 10th September.
If you plan to attend in your Boxster you need to let club office know.

Thanks for the nudge, I have emailed the club, but don't seem to be able to find any details about what is happening on the day, costs etc on the website? Or am I missing something? Like a few brain cells?
Regards Steve


Would love to join you all but we will be in Germany, having collected our 718S on 8 September all being well.


We will be there with either the yellow guy or more likely as it's the Boxster 20th anniversary year 'Tango', as he loves parties [:D]
Have booked to attend, just waiting to hear final detail back from club head office.
A big Thank You to everyone who braved the weather and joined us yesterday at Kedleston Hall for the start of the 20th Anniversary celebrations . We had 98 Boxsters attend and it was fantastic to meet so many members and to put names to faces. Despite the weather we had a great day and congratulations go to Dave Keeling who was awarded overall winner in the Lockton Show & Shine Competition with his Spyder.
Also many thanks to Locktons for awarding me the Special Award of the Day. I couldn't do it without the support of Cliff and the Boxster register members.
Photos from the day can be found at
Well done, Tracy... I turned out more like a Boxster register event, with a side order of our other cars [;)][:D][:D]
Damp but fun.
Tracy_Wilkins said:
Us Boxster drivers are made of sturdy stuff. Some members even drove home from the event with their roof off.

That probably helped them dry out on the way back, then [8D]

Sorry I missed your Cup Cakes and Soft Drink it looks like you done an excellent job and you deserve the Award as always
as you always come across as a very knowledgeable person as does your Husband too.

If possible Tracey can you ask your Photo man to forward copiers of my Said Boxster side view and also the Red winning
Boxster Spyder also side view from the Show and shine at Kedleston Hall event which will be my last entry as I clearly don't
have what it takes to win any prize's so I calling time on it for now but may change my mind in the future but for now please
forward pictures to my so I can save them into my picture file of events I've entered my Rare one off
Azurro California Blue Metallic Boxster 987 Gen 2 in please.

Many thanks again Tracey for all you've done for the Boxster register and hope it goes on for many years to come and on Saturday
I found out your Lovely white 981 was a Manual when I really thought it was a PDK vision instead as you don't tend to see Manual
Boxster's except with the new 981 Spyder visions and hopefully in due course will be made in the 718 Boxster Spyder also as I feel
a Manual gearbox is the best option to have on these cars but sadly my 987 Boxster is a PDK which I wouldn't change for the world.

Yours Kevin.

Don't be downhearted, your car was a real credit to you and looked absolutely superb, just as it did at Silverstone.

Having been a concours judge once myself, it is not a task I would wish on anyone, especially when the standard of entries is inevitably very high.

I am sure lots of our members would like to see your very rare car competing in the future.

Very best wishes,

Hello Rob

Many thanks for your kind words about my Rare 987 Boxster it means so much to me but at the moment I'm not too sure of things going forward with the car but fully understand your saying about being a past Judge yourself and It must have been hard picking the best from maybe another better one something I'm not sure I would be able to do as someone will always be disappointed but taking note what you've said at the end of the day, I'll must likely enter my Porsche in another Concours next year 2017.

Rob once again I would like to thank you for your input and Feedback as It's been taken in a good way as I really like showing off my Rare one off Azurro California Blue Metallic Boxster 987 - Gen 2 car of 2009 to all the other member who attend these Porsche Club of Great Britain's events as without the members attending these event would not take place in the first place.

Very best wishes in return to yourself Rob and maybe see you at another event I may attend this year if not any events next year 2017.

Hi Kevin
I second what Rob has said. Your car is beautiful and to even be good enough to enter says that your car is pristine.
With regards to my manual 981 I have always had manual cars as I like to be engaged in the driving but with todays roads and the increasing traffic I may have to consider a PDK down the line.
Hi Kevin

Keep the faith pal and remember that your car is superb and a one off. We chatted at the concours at Silverstone about you special car and I think it is gorgeous too. A credit to you fastidious ownership.

I have entered many concours and not won anything at all, but I do enjoy the day cleaning, chatting, meeting interesting members and of course the good natured banter that goes on.

You must keep trying, its fun and if nothing else you get to clean your car to an inch of its life that will last for many months.

I really was delighted to get a prize this time, it was so unexpected given the high standard of cars entered, but to be honest I think the rain help my cause. And of course our chairman could see that I was struggling to wipe it down (bad back) and he helped me finish it. He thinks he should have half the trophy but we'll talk about that over a pint or two [:)]


Peter_Bull said:
I have entered many concours and not won anything at all, but I do enjoy the day cleaning, chatting, meeting interesting members and of course the good natured banter that goes on.
Totaly agree Peter.
it's not all about winning, it's about taking part.


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