In Ken Coad's bit of the 993 register corner in Jan's PP he recommend a Bosch AGM battery, so my battery failure is timely. Thought I'd give these a try, but I can't find anyone that will supply one to me.
The Bosch web site does discuss them, but does not list retailers.
All the searches I've done can't find any online sellers that sell Bosch. Glasgow OPC insists that their standard battery is better than Bosch, so I ignored them. Kiwkfit have been very helpful listing alternatives that they assure me will be just as good but will not even try to get a Bosch battery.
There is a rumour that Halfords might sell Bosch, but they won't answer the phone and their web site does not even mention car batteries.
Any ideas?
The Bosch web site does discuss them, but does not list retailers.
All the searches I've done can't find any online sellers that sell Bosch. Glasgow OPC insists that their standard battery is better than Bosch, so I ignored them. Kiwkfit have been very helpful listing alternatives that they assure me will be just as good but will not even try to get a Bosch battery.
There is a rumour that Halfords might sell Bosch, but they won't answer the phone and their web site does not even mention car batteries.
Any ideas?