The knock sensor in the 944 turbo is designed to be there "just in case"... For example just in case boost shoots up way too high and knock occures... at that point the knock sensor in the standard setup with inform the KLR, which will then pull back boost with the cycling valve.
However, this is designed to be a a bit like an ejector seat in a jet fighter.. not something to be relied in, but something that in a freak event will save your bacon.
By the time the knock sensor will trigger, your already into detonation in great big fistfulls, which is why a good dyno tuner does not just plug into the knock sensors to know if he is pushing things too far, and why also a good dyno tuner will not program a chip that will see the knock sensors firing during heavy use... In an ideal world, the knock sensors will not ever trigger.
If I had my way, knock sensors would bring on a big "PANIC NOW" light on the dashboard so further investigations could be made.
All manufacturer and aftermarket knock warning systems tell you too late, which is why dyno tuners use various methods to make sure they know when knock is about to happen, rather than it has just happened. This includes knock sensors and even combustion ion detection, which both tell you only that knock/detonation is happening.
The other important issue is that not many people, including some chip tuners I have spoken with, understand there is actually several types of knock/detonation, including pre-ignition and sonic wave knock to name but two of about 5 types. Not to mention the various combinations of causes.