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Lancashire Magazine


PCGB Honorary Member
for all those of you who met the lovely reporter from Lancashire magazine and the somewhat barmy photographer at the July monthly meeting - the magazine is now on sale. Some nice pictures, including one of the new 944! Not sure how Porsche managed to launch that without anyone noticing...
what would you know...her indoors came back with the very same magazine yesterday. Its a bit like lancashire life lite isn't it?!

Funny article though..came accross well...

A few points though

Dean..too much detail on choosing the cars name !!![:D][;)]

where do they stock those new 944 S2's??

Mac...I've known for years how much of a porsche fanatic you are but the ashes at the 'ring story is a classic bud!!![:D][;)]
It's amazing what young women believe [:D][:D]

I did get her 'phone number though [;)][;)]

Sue's now got the urn lined up and tickets for the Nurburgring [:)][:)]
Can someone bring a copy to the next meeting please. Newsagents here had every other magazine apart from.. yes, you've guessed it.
p.s. It is my quiz that night so maybe worth extra brownie points.[8|]
Cheers Jeremy,
Are you coming to the meeting this month? If so could you bring it then. Don't forget it is my quiz so start excercising that brain (start of gently so you don't hurt yourself).[:)]

Nothing yet mate...have agreed with 'her indoors' to dispose of current 'fleet' as it were so trials bike goes in TMX this week and i've got an MX-5 that i took on that needs to be sold on. So still looking.....probably an older 911 or maybe a 968 club sport or something similiar as they do seem to be a lot of car for the money and i'm happy with the front engined stuff as you know. John and I going to ragley at the weekend so i'll have a better idea after that hopefully

Thanks to Paul and Judy Baker for the copy of the magazine. Don't recognise some of the people who were there in June.
Frank (Bernard) Archer - chance to take the mickey there methinks!
Dean loves Steven - perhaps that is why he never married?
Mac - ashes scattered at the 'Ring - possible regional weekend for next year's calender (any chance of pencilling in a possible date Paul?)

Hey I'm not 90 for a couple of years yet. Hotel booked for 2037 and not before.
Bring a PICNIC!!!!! no catering provided.[:)][:)][:)]

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