After lots of recent negative posts, I thoguht I'd put up a positive one
So, who took advantage on the unseasonally sunny and warm weather last weekend to take their beast out for a blast.
I took mine out Satrurday and Sunday - oddly enough very little traffic Sunday afternoon, had a great run down my favourite countryside route.
Bar briefly some muppet in his pumped up Punto who could not understand how he couldn't pull away from me when he put his foot down........
Sunshine, british countryside, 22C the windows down, so I could hear the sports exhaust which has noticably improved and become much more snarlly, even with a bit of overrun. What could be better
6000+ miles in the engine is loosening up nicely and getting noticably more pokey evey 1000 miles or so
So go on - who else went out for their last (or near last) summer blast
How good was it
So, who took advantage on the unseasonally sunny and warm weather last weekend to take their beast out for a blast.
I took mine out Satrurday and Sunday - oddly enough very little traffic Sunday afternoon, had a great run down my favourite countryside route.
Bar briefly some muppet in his pumped up Punto who could not understand how he couldn't pull away from me when he put his foot down........
Sunshine, british countryside, 22C the windows down, so I could hear the sports exhaust which has noticably improved and become much more snarlly, even with a bit of overrun. What could be better
6000+ miles in the engine is loosening up nicely and getting noticably more pokey evey 1000 miles or so
So go on - who else went out for their last (or near last) summer blast
How good was it