Hi All
The 2 Christmas lunches in at Armathwaite Hall Hotel, in the North, and Garstang Golf Club in the South were very successful with over 50 members and wives/partners/children attending each one. My thanks to our Assistant Regional Organisers Mike Trotter and Sue/Mac McLeod for organising these and the multitude of events we have held in 2012.
We are not however quite finished with activities in 2012:-
Wednesday 19th December "" Monthly Meeting and fun Christmas Quiz at Garstang Golf Club. ( Starts at 20.00 hours) As well as our usual sandwiches, cakes and coffee are promised. In addition Judy will be doing her end of year auction of a number of items which we have had donated such as Porsche Prints, Porsche Selection items and an odd voucher or two. Thanks to everyone who has donated these, with the proceeds going Region 18 funds and "Porkers". Don't forget to bring cash on the night. [/LIST]
Sunday 30th December. Lunch at Dahlia's Kitchen, Blackpool. If you are fed up with post-Christmas sales shopping, staying in at home or just fancy an informal reasonably priced lunch out with friends, why not come along to a light lunch at Dahlia's Kitchen, Cropper Road, Blackpool. Tony Bolton is organising this so please contact him direct on 01253 771669, or e-mail tebolton@googlemail.com. [/LIST]
If I don't see you at either of these events may I wish you all seasons greetings and A PROSPEROUS New Year.
The 2 Christmas lunches in at Armathwaite Hall Hotel, in the North, and Garstang Golf Club in the South were very successful with over 50 members and wives/partners/children attending each one. My thanks to our Assistant Regional Organisers Mike Trotter and Sue/Mac McLeod for organising these and the multitude of events we have held in 2012.
We are not however quite finished with activities in 2012:-
Wednesday 19th December "" Monthly Meeting and fun Christmas Quiz at Garstang Golf Club. ( Starts at 20.00 hours) As well as our usual sandwiches, cakes and coffee are promised. In addition Judy will be doing her end of year auction of a number of items which we have had donated such as Porsche Prints, Porsche Selection items and an odd voucher or two. Thanks to everyone who has donated these, with the proceeds going Region 18 funds and "Porkers". Don't forget to bring cash on the night. [/LIST]
Sunday 30th December. Lunch at Dahlia's Kitchen, Blackpool. If you are fed up with post-Christmas sales shopping, staying in at home or just fancy an informal reasonably priced lunch out with friends, why not come along to a light lunch at Dahlia's Kitchen, Cropper Road, Blackpool. Tony Bolton is organising this so please contact him direct on 01253 771669, or e-mail tebolton@googlemail.com. [/LIST]
If I don't see you at either of these events may I wish you all seasons greetings and A PROSPEROUS New Year.