from zeebruge down to spa,, took us nearly 7 hours last time with traffic !
and there was lots of police sitting with speed cameras,,, particularly on the road home ????
stop at lots of petrol stations on road down,, ,they are great, masses of cool cars,,,
EVO this month,,,, states that french police will give you an immediate 14 day ban for doing more than 25mph above speed limit,,,,,,,,, i.e. you leave the car at the road side, they take it to the nearest police station,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you walk,, unless you have passenger who can drive !,,,,,,, and remember radar detectors, road angel etc, are illegal,, they will fine an remove them from your car,,,,
you gota love the french,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, try remembering them about the war !!!
have a great time
ps,,, we are going to lemans,, but the classic this year !!!!!!!!!