New member
Since joining the forum I have had a few questions about leather care,as I am a leather technician,so I have put below some thoughts about looking after your leather interiors.
1 - leather is a natural material and in a car the biggest enemies are drying out,abrasive effect of getting in and out( especially on the bolsters ) and dye transfer from jeans ( especially onto light coloured leather )
2 - so keep your leather moist - wipe over with warm water using a clean cloth on a regular basis maybe upto once a week in summer and if running aircon.This will also remove any small dirt particles which act like fine sand paper on the colour pigment layer.
3 - clean leather with a foam cleaner, these loosen and lift the dirt into the foam and just wipe off the foam DON'T rub it pushes the muck into the leather.Once cleaned protect/condition with a flexible protection product.
The protection makes cleaning easier especially removing clothiing dye from jeans.
4 - older leather will always have scuffs and marks and little creases,which especially on dark coloured leathers can look bad, these can be treated with a mixed colour/conditioner which will help hide the marks.
5 - if the leather is badly worn , which it normally is on older cars , then the best option is to have the leather refurbished - clean,strip surface of whatever has been put on in the past , fill cracked areas with a flexible filler,sand surface , re-dye the leather in stages and finally reseal/protect to what finish is required ( matt--high gloss )
6 - there are refurbishing kits available but with some colours age changes the colour and the premixed colours often don't match and a poor finish is the result. ( I have tried them and have always had to adjust the colour to match )
7 - a full refurbishment is best left to professional leather technicians.
The best products available are from LTT in Harrogate where I get my trade products from but they have a very good consumer product section and are very helpful.They train leather technicians.Link below.
Hope this is helpful.
1 - leather is a natural material and in a car the biggest enemies are drying out,abrasive effect of getting in and out( especially on the bolsters ) and dye transfer from jeans ( especially onto light coloured leather )
2 - so keep your leather moist - wipe over with warm water using a clean cloth on a regular basis maybe upto once a week in summer and if running aircon.This will also remove any small dirt particles which act like fine sand paper on the colour pigment layer.
3 - clean leather with a foam cleaner, these loosen and lift the dirt into the foam and just wipe off the foam DON'T rub it pushes the muck into the leather.Once cleaned protect/condition with a flexible protection product.
The protection makes cleaning easier especially removing clothiing dye from jeans.
4 - older leather will always have scuffs and marks and little creases,which especially on dark coloured leathers can look bad, these can be treated with a mixed colour/conditioner which will help hide the marks.
5 - if the leather is badly worn , which it normally is on older cars , then the best option is to have the leather refurbished - clean,strip surface of whatever has been put on in the past , fill cracked areas with a flexible filler,sand surface , re-dye the leather in stages and finally reseal/protect to what finish is required ( matt--high gloss )
6 - there are refurbishing kits available but with some colours age changes the colour and the premixed colours often don't match and a poor finish is the result. ( I have tried them and have always had to adjust the colour to match )
7 - a full refurbishment is best left to professional leather technicians.
The best products available are from LTT in Harrogate where I get my trade products from but they have a very good consumer product section and are very helpful.They train leather technicians.Link below.
Hope this is helpful.