John Sims said:
924Srr27l said:
....I don't think you seriously don't understand the differences from standard production use and modified road car's
(Lets leave dedicated Racing car's away from this) and asking things like why didn't Porsche do this, fit this not
appropriate ...
On the contrary. I think it is entirely appropriate in a thread dedicated to fitting alternative parts. Surely in fitting something non standard one should understand why the original is the way its is and what the pros and cons of the alternate part might be.
And therefore, why don't Porsche (a sports car manufacturer) make their cranks like Lindsey do?
Ok fair enough i must be mistaking you for another member as I thought some of the characteristics have been
in our conversations before?
It's very Simple, lightening the crank loses build up inertia from the heavier crank that Porsche designed for these road car's
Think of it as heavy v lighter revolving shaft (weight) which for example on tickover the heavier crank has more (Inertia) power
Once you engage 1st gear and release the clutch the car will only require a very small throttle application on a stock car because the heavier reciprocating mass has (stored energy) to get you moving.
A lightweight Crank has less built up energy and will require more throttle (RPM) to get the car moving and will be difficult to
pull away smoothly. (Not ideal for Joe bloggs who's wants a nice drive in his Porsche production car)
If you lighten the car this effect will become less so, as my example which has a substantial loss of inertia from standard.
I've got my tickover set at 1000rpm on purpose to assist pulling away.
The benefit's of a lightweight Crank & Flywheel are for more performance , a faster car that's all I'm interested in.
Porsche did not fit a knife edged crank because owners would have issues not just when pulling away, but also at other speeds, and even in deceleration a lighter crank will slow down quicker as it's not got the heavier inertia to keep the mass going along. This will reduce Fuel consumption another downside for Porsche if they decided to fit a lighter crank.
There's not many performance components that when fitted to a car will have a downside.