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Like buses.....


PCGB Member
Travelling down the A5 yesterday afternoon, just North of Towcester, and what should I see but 4 Panameras travelling North in convoy, with a 5th one running a couple of minutes behind. Road test, or deliveries to our wealthy Northern cousins?
Saw one on the forecourt of the Wilmslow OPC a few weeks ago. I must say It looked smaller and rather more attractive than I was expecting. I guess i've built up a picture of what they look like in my head and that was a larger and uglier car. But in the flesh it didn't look any bigger or more imposing than any other car in its class (say a Merc CLS) and it was a very good looking car - not stunningly pretty or beautiful, but a good looking car all the same. Don't know what all the fuss has been about.
[:D] yes they sure are big. compared to the 356 and the 944 infact even the 997... but they are all Porsche to drive [8D] and somehow once you get behind the drivers seat then size (as they say) really dosn't matter.

i went into the OPC to buy a Cayenne to use as a Tow car. But found the Panamera is just more 911(well sort of) like. I think it's going to look superb with the 356 on car trailer and a convoy of 1 or 2 other Porsche following [8D]

Seen the Oakley design special Turbo in white with Black carbon wheels & Roof
near to the Colchester dealership.

Its a very nice looking Panamera Turbo. Sorry no Photo's Yours Truly Kevin.[:)]
Hi Helen

The one in Gt Purely Porsche is a Spain register Panamera & the one I have seen is on British plates so it may not be the same Panamera Oakley Design Turbo.

Yours Truly Kevin.[8|]

Ps I didn't know the Police 356 was yours but why was it parked outside the Halstead Police Station or did you have to report to them so you was able to drive it on Suffolk roads legal.
ORIGINAL: kevinnu

Ps I didn't know the Police 356 was yours but why was it parked outside the Halstead Police Station or did you have to report to them so you was able to drive it on Suffolk roads legal.

Halstead is on the doorstep of Maxstead-Page and Prill who look after my car. Photographer & GTPP thought it would be amusing to park it there and the police (thankfully) agreed. we had quite alot of fun with them.

heres a photo i took at the same time

Maybe i should buy THIS Panamera to tow my 356 police car [;)][:D]

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