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Before I start photo-shopping my 9 photo's to erase my car number plate, does anyone know of any particular scams using vehicle registration numbers obtained from advertising sites ? Seems to be a mixed bag some people erase some don't. Just general paranoia on the latter's part?

BTW my 968 Sport in black 73k mls, great condition, FSH going on sale for £10,250 quite soon.
I'd have no issues at all, personally. There've been plenty of pics of my cars in magazines etc. without issue. The scams you might come across when selling a car are more likely to be around money I'd have thought. That said, for peace of mind it's easy to erase the number if you're going to lose sleep over it. [:)]
It seems that the scams that happen are to clone a car, for use in and around London, to avoid the congestion charge + parking fines etc, also ive heard of some that also do it to evaide speeding fines, like the average speed cameras etc etc . So if you dont want any unwanted fines / charges i suggest you erase the number plate.. Better safe than sorry...

Im suprised at you selling up though, not that many moons ago, you were looking at "chipping" your car. IE spending money on it..??

Still looking to spend money on it potentially. I know it looks a bit strange, here's the reason; I sold my rather ubiquitous Silver 997 a couple of years ago and decided that I'd work my way through a series of vintage Porsche's. 968 / manual 928 GTS / 993 and possibly early 70's 911 are all on the list. Pride of ownership counts and I'd rather spend my money on bringing an old car into really good condition than count the depreciation on new 911. Living in central London however means I only have parking for one car, hence the rotation. I have really enjoyed the 968 and am loathed to loose it but if the planets align, I get a half decent price for the 968 and have a replacement in my sights then I'll pull the trigger. Until then I'll spend money on the 968 as there's an outside chance I keep it for much longer than expected. I think all of that means that whoever might get this 968 will have a very tidy example but that I guess is another story. Of course when I eventually move back out of town and convince the wife that a 5-car garage and workshops are essential there will definitely be a bay for a 968. Love em!


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