Well sad state of affairs .... since the 20th Feb recovery by a low loader breakdown lorry with no 12v jump start equipment as requested and the subsequent recovery to the specialist repairer losing the sun roof, the Insurance Company involved who allegedly pride themselves on their classic Insurance and Recovery Breakdown policy seem to be still in a sate of deliberation on how to do deal with this.
To date nothing has been sorted, with us continually emailing and chasing it's getting very tiresome .... will soon be time to name and shame, only to protect others who entrust their Classic Porsche to so called specialists. 10 weeks on, and all that lovely weather and still no sign of any resolution. Seems to be some internal buck passing[&:]
To date nothing has been sorted, with us continually emailing and chasing it's getting very tiresome .... will soon be time to name and shame, only to protect others who entrust their Classic Porsche to so called specialists. 10 weeks on, and all that lovely weather and still no sign of any resolution. Seems to be some internal buck passing[&:]