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Mallory Park Threat


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Club night regular Brian Rowledge, showed me an article about the historic circuit being under attack by the local council.
Hinckley Times Article

They wish to impose such Draconian rules about noise levels and days of operation, that they will be forced to close if the council has it's way.

So if you want to show your support for this historic circuit, and save it from the developers, please sign the online petition.

Petition Link
I was reading about this and apparently there's another side to this story.
As most are aware the noise limits were agreed a fair while back and the venue stuck to it.. then new management came along and issues started! [&:]
On doing research it wasn't as clear cut as a petrolhead would like to see!- thus to say I haven't signed the petition just yet.
If they broke the current sound level agreement of 96dB then they should be hauled up in front of the Council to explain and suffer some punishment.

Having to curtail their working times to a fraction of what is needed to sustain a viable enterprise and having to adhere to sound levels of 92dB will stop most users from going.

Mine hovers at around 105dB when measured 1 meter and 45deg from the exhaust, but on drive by limit 98dB specified by Donington Park, passes OK.
Noise Limits
The trouble often is that newbies move into the area and then start complaining about noise.
I know of new residents in a small rural village in Staffs, complaining of roosters crowing!! In Falmouth Town Centre the annual Faire had to move from it's centuries old centre venue to the outskirts because newbies in a refurbished docks converted into apartments. etc etc.

It only needs ONE person to complain and the Council starts to investigate, regardless of the majority.

A similar thing happened at PP with regards the cover photos. They were considered too risqué by a small number, I don't know how many, and Archant were told to change.
Rant over.
yep you wont get a race car under 105db,
i believe its mostly down to the scrambling track, this is a fairly new addition and is at a higher level and closer to the village than the circuit and causes more noise pollution than the cars/bikes on the circuit,and more track days have been introduced, most of the old ruling came from around the village church and that was the original issues.

you have to take care of communities but on the other hand these original rulings were made years/ages ago and if you like quiet would you move next to an air strip? As a racer i see only a matter of time sadly before most circuits have these issues in this day and age Croft already does so does Donnington and now Mallory ahh well at least Cadwell is safe in its little dip away from Louth .

did i sign, I most defiantly did and i hope common sense prevails.
I only live about 2 miles (as the crow flies) away from Mallory Park, and I can certainly hear it on occasion! I can see how living right next door would be a PITA but the track has been there longer than most residents and so if you don't like the noise, well why did you choose to live next to a race track!

Hopefully common sense will see through, but since when has this world been fair?
It's all down to the density of air and wind direction, which can cause large variables in sound levels.

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