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May 10th M6 Toll Charity Drive


New member
M6 Toll Road Charity Drive "" Saturday May 10th
As a member of the R9 I said to Jon Lord I would try and round up a few Porsches for this event
R9 has been invited by the people who run the M6 Toll Road to get a few cars to join a simple display to help increase the funds gathered at their event.
There are no prizes other than you will help make money for three charities and you will get to hang around with Ferrari, Aston Martin, and other fast car clubs.
The outline is this. The people who own the M6 Toll Road give all their takings from one day on the M6 road to three charities which they select each year. This year it is Leonard Cheshire Homes, RNIB and 4 local hospices. Apparently they give about £150,000 to each charity.
To increase the number of cars paying their tolls they want some interesting car clubs to turn up at the M6 service station and just hang out so that people will come and look and chat. Then in the afternoon all cars hook up and drive a cavalcade along the Toll Road (at what speed I do not know).

So I hope a number of you can make that day and just come have an afternoon of laughing at Ferrari drivers and their bouffant hair!!

If you are interested will you post here or mail me. Ideally it would be nice to get a simple historical line up. Nothing too detailed, a 356, 912, early 911, 73 car, 964, 993, 996 and of course a 917 and 962 - ahem.
A 944 and 928 to join my 924 CGT would be nice.

I will post something closer to the day as a reminder.

When I get the official docs in a form I can post I put them up

Thank you for replying

At the moment I do not have details - mainly becauseI have been working in Singapore for over a month and been back in the UK for 15 hrs. and have not followed up to get better info. I will and I will post details

Of course 914 are allowed - as I own a car with low polar moment of inertia, it would appear to be churlish to not invite others.

If some VW people turn up, they will be crawling over your car as they will with the 356 - they love both types.

ORIGINAL: Helen Goff

just realised this is the same day as the stoke Goldington show [:mad:]

Are you going to both days Helen ??
Its also the same day as the 997 register weekend in the Cotswolds...[:mad:]

Are you going to both days Helen ??
Its also the same day as the 997 register weekend in the Cotswolds...
we will be sunning ourselves with the titanics in the south of france, sounds good otherwise![8D]
Hello all
Due to my world travels I have only just got to find the correct people to speak to.
It looks as if the 120 car spaces are full with other 'performance cars'.

I have asked if they will make space for 3 Porsche which they were happy to do.

I will be turning up in my 924 Carrera GT , can I get a couple of others to turn up?

The times are 9am to 12am - but you do not have to be prompt nor wait all the three hours.

As before, apart from the voucher to cover toll costs getting to the event, there is no return, other than supporting the charities;
Chesire Homes
Three hospices located close to the road

Please email me you interest and I will email some registration details.

Mike, I would loved to have supported this, but the date does clash with the 997 Cotswolds and in fact quite a few other shows that weekend...

Shows, A bit like buses they all come along at the same time [:(]


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