PCGB Member
To All.
Just a reminder as to what is on offer this month . Crail Track Day on Sat 15th see Greigs posting he is organising this . Visit to Motortune Shotts Sun 16th at 12 noon . Knockhill Track Night Wed 19th 6pm A reminder to all who are going to Nurburgring to bring your deposit . Ayrshire Run and high tea Sun 23 rd 11am Without repeating my self could you indicate if you intend to go to these events Thank you
Brian RO1
Just a reminder as to what is on offer this month . Crail Track Day on Sat 15th see Greigs posting he is organising this . Visit to Motortune Shotts Sun 16th at 12 noon . Knockhill Track Night Wed 19th 6pm A reminder to all who are going to Nurburgring to bring your deposit . Ayrshire Run and high tea Sun 23 rd 11am Without repeating my self could you indicate if you intend to go to these events Thank you
Brian RO1