Hi Gary
Copyright is of course an important question but I will put the answer to that to one side for a mo. The underlying issue going forward is that club image content is not well managed and has seldom been completely available to many members. There are people that mail in CDs, USB sticks , post videos etc in many disparate ways. By centralising a resource it will mean that the results of events that club members have attended can be centrally uploaded (RO, RS or authorised individual). At that point the Publications Team can decide what may or may not be made available to club members ('sanity' and quality check). Naturally that snap of you sideways* on a track day may not be of sufficient interest to all PP readers (if there were space) but may be of interest in another way. In the past these sort of things may have been discarded. Now we have a chance to retain those that are genuinely of interest... for an appropriate time. Curating all the content once it is all up there will not be too difficult and will also take some load off in house staff too.
There is much to add here but I shall now try to address copyright and related issues. We do want Public facing images to be protected from casual abuse (screengrabs etc) hence a watermark across the preview. It can read what we like but we have to start somewhere. Naturally a logged in member (not yet available to most club members) will not get the watermark and will probably get immediate download rights in the size that suits them.
Access for a logged in member will be dependent on acceptance of the terms of use (a bit like the one you read when installing your computer operating system) Paraphrasing it: Do not upload anything you do not want to be seen by others. And yes, there has to be an upside for other club members* Take a look at
HERE and see if we have missed anything. What we wish to avoid is the inadvertent passing off of copyright ownership as many members do when publishing to Twitter or Facebook. Fortunately we have at least a couple of us in the club that know a little about this and I can assure anyone that has got this far in reading my post that we can bore you to tears with the 'consultancy' reply.
So what have you seen so far?
A 'Public" facing set of images - simply to test searches etc (watermarked) - These numbers will be reduced substantially once we go live
A 'Protected Porsche Post Archive" - To show club history to non members - This will disappear once all Club Members get access
What will you see?
Whatever is felt important to all club members, decided by nominated club members. But under a 'Club Archive' Tab
You should see what Peter Cook has tucked away in the Club Archive. A project to digitise that would be several years work and is recognised by Porsche AG to be of significant value too.
I enclose a link
HERE of another site that carries about 500K images. Public facing stuff is for sale and fan use. Private areas for Sponsors, Partners, Brand Development etc etc. There are many ways of sharing such content (public and private) The roots of the software are within news publishing and copyright control is of prime interest
What you see today is the very tip of the iceberg and very much a long term project that we will need assistance with. Any volunteers?
If you need to reach me by phone to discuss this further then please ask anyone at the office for my home number. I am a rubbish typist and therefore much prefer using the phone.