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Millthorpe R4 Porsche and Steam Barbeque September 6th


New member
Dear all

Please find below to maps of Millthorpe, (different scales).

We are having a weekend of running some vintage stationary engines for our friend Tom Johnson and he has kindly allowed the Porsche Club GB to attend on the Sunday from 12.00 onwards.

There is a paddock to park your cars in so we can get some nice photos and a barbeque will be supplied (we need to know numbers by return email please).

We shall be cooking throughout the afternoon so nothing formal. If anybody wants a tipple please could you bring your own as tastes are varied. Usual Tea, coffee and still drinks will be provided.

closer version

Also attached is a copy of a possible Lincolnshire rally route, please have a look and send comments please.

In addition it has come to my attention that the Dovecote may not be open for very long (let alone Christmas) so as far as a Christmas dinner is concerned the Bentley down the road does a meal for £17.25 per adult and £9.99 per child under 10. A deposit is required on booking of £10 so please could people let me know numbers for Sunday 13th December by return email and if possible bring the deposit with them on Sunday. Please be aware that deposits may not be refundable if people drop out.

The link below is the home page for the Bentley.

Please please let me know numbers for Sunday so I can go out and get the food and please bring some fold up chairs as we may not have enough.


Elliot, what food do you cook on a steam Barbeque, ah! got it cabbage burger for the vegetarians
Thank you all, for your hospitality and a great day out. We all enjoyed the event and the aroma of steam and paraffin oil has almost gone[FONT=verdana,geneva"]
Great day at Millthorpe last Sunday, many thanks to you and the team for putting on a great show. Thank Tom next time you see him. The day was made even better meeting up with Pat after only 29 years! Cliff & Julie
Hi Cliff, Elliot and myself hoped everyone had a good day we did eventually get the Dakota fly past as we were packing up in the evening (well we were on his flight path home to Coningsby). I must say Cliff every photograph we have from the day has you chatting to Pat so glad you caught up on so many years, in the 997 register we have an ex Phantom pilot and we had a short but intense session on the F4 merits (or not). Cheers Paul

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