A small request please.
I recently had my windscreen replaced and, while I was happy with it, this evening was first time I'd been driving into the sun. I put visors down but realised sun was still blasting through the large gap above the rear view mirror. I think the windscreen fitter has stuck the mirror on too low down. There's a big space between the inset blackened window edge (where it drops down above the mirror) and the point where the mirror starts to hide the glass.
Measuring on the outside (because it's easier) the top of the mirror mount is 12.5 cm from the edge of the window seal.
Next time you are out in your garage could you measure same on your windscreen, so I can collect some evidence to put to my OPC (who managed the windscreen replacement).
By the way - top marks to Amlin insurance (via Manning) who paid out OPC rate for replacing the windscreen no quibbling (less £100 excess)
I recently had my windscreen replaced and, while I was happy with it, this evening was first time I'd been driving into the sun. I put visors down but realised sun was still blasting through the large gap above the rear view mirror. I think the windscreen fitter has stuck the mirror on too low down. There's a big space between the inset blackened window edge (where it drops down above the mirror) and the point where the mirror starts to hide the glass.
Measuring on the outside (because it's easier) the top of the mirror mount is 12.5 cm from the edge of the window seal.
Next time you are out in your garage could you measure same on your windscreen, so I can collect some evidence to put to my OPC (who managed the windscreen replacement).
By the way - top marks to Amlin insurance (via Manning) who paid out OPC rate for replacing the windscreen no quibbling (less £100 excess)