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Mobile Alloy Wheel Refurb - are they any good ?


New member
Hi Everyone,
Decided to bring the old girl up to scratch and get a few of those niggling bits out of the way and i need some advice. Two of the wheels have been kerbed ( by the previous owner i hasten to add ) and i want to get them sorted as they let the car down.
Are these mobile guys any good ? ive been quoted £55 a wheel plus VAT.
Can anyone recommend a firm in West Sussex or should i get them sent away and get a full refurb done (4-5 days away and £100 a wheel approx)
Any thoughts ?
Look for someone like this : They did my 968 16" cups a few months ago - tyres off, full srtip, bead blast, paint and lacquer, tyres back on and balanced - £235. Prices for other sizes etc on their website. OK, they're a distance from West Sussex, but you'll probably find someone similar and closer.

There's also a member on here (advertises in Porsche Post too) that offers collect, spare wheels so you're not off the road, full refurb at IIRC Lepsons Gillingham (one of the best in the land!), return and refit of your wheels - but that would no doubt be lots more!

Mobile compared to proper job - no contest IMHO. I've seen the mobile style at our local MB dealer - gave my shopping trolley wheels a light refurb before I bought it, wanted about £180 to do the 968 wheels - and that would have been tyres on not off. Get a proper job done, you won't regret it!
I had the wheels on my 996 C2 done by a mobile chap once. Nothing like as good as a proper job.

I think the chap Chris is referring to is another Chris - Exel Wheels -

He gets very good reviews, and although not the cheapest, is definitely one of the best.

Edit: If you can be without the wheels for a few days, these people did a really nice job on my daughter's BMW M Sport wheels, and were very reasonable: (Basingstoke).
+1 for Chris, the difference is he leaves you with donor wheels while yours are given the full treatment. I met Chris after a 120 mile drive to the factory he uses, if I'd known I would have used him instead. He uses Lepsons, or at least he did last time we spoke 3 years ago.
If you're prepared to drive to Lepsons, you're better going to Rimtec - they're not far from Lepsons, do the same full strip and refurb, and are considerably cheaper. Bit "interesting" to find first time you go there, but I'm more than happy with the job they did on my wheels!
One of the great things about owning our cars is we meet some incredible professionals. I've used Chris many times on various sets of wheels over the years. I've bought wheels from him, sold wheels to him and had wheels refurbished by him. I couldn't recommend him highly enough. While Lepsons do the work he QAs it and as mentioned the car isn't sitting around on axel stands.
Don't waste your money on mobile outfits who do half a job. I did on one of my cars and really regret it. Get Chris to do it or if you can take it to lepsons yourself.
I'm looking into whether to get mine refurb end or whether simply to buy a different sent advertised on eBay. The problem is that my wheels are split rims. One had been refurb end previously and within three months became worse than what it was before the refurb. Can 18 inch split rims really be refurbished properly or is it just a waste of time.
The wheel specialist is pretty good. Loads of outlets. I can drop mine off in the morning, go to work and then collect the car at night. All done and no hassle. Will even give me a lift to work
Another vote for Chris at Exel Wheels. I bought some hollow spoke Turbo wheels and Chris fitted them for me today. Very professsional service, and also a very fair price on a new set of Michelin PS2s.

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