After quite a few weeks of my car being unused in my garage the sun was shining at the weekend so I decided to get her out for a play. I noticed an unusual sound from the heater fan as though it was fouling on something.
After talking to my OPC they said the most likely and quite common cause was a mouse getting in through a very small hole near the windscreen wipers and crawling down and making a nest in the pollen filter.
Thought the OPC had found a sense of humour to begin with but they assure me it is quite common and can be very expensive (nor covered by warranty) if the little blighter chews through the wiring loom.
Has anyone heard of this before ?
I'll be getting my spanners out later to see if I can find the evil creature!
After talking to my OPC they said the most likely and quite common cause was a mouse getting in through a very small hole near the windscreen wipers and crawling down and making a nest in the pollen filter.
Thought the OPC had found a sense of humour to begin with but they assure me it is quite common and can be very expensive (nor covered by warranty) if the little blighter chews through the wiring loom.
Has anyone heard of this before ?
I'll be getting my spanners out later to see if I can find the evil creature!