realised I've driven the GTS sparingly since its service back in September - uncovered it yesterday at the sight of dry roads and went for a spin early evening
it's great to reminded yourself what a capable car it is - actually felt a little apprehensive as I have been driving my new Volvo v40 manual in this horrible whether so needed to reacquaint myself and remember to switch to left foot breaking for the PDK.
Also reinforced for me that I'm happy I've not switched to 991 gen 1 or even 2 although they are great cars - my new Volvo has TFT screen so you can have 3 completely different screens in 3 colours -amazing for a Luddite like me and downloaded my music directly onto the cars hard drive even making the iPod redundant ,,- but I mention it because it made the GTS seem ever so slightly basic and retro - and. I love that - it amplified to me that this car is for driving!
any how gave the GTS the obligatory TLC and wash after the drive and cleaned all my cars with new snow foam jet wash attachment from Polished Bliss guys - don't really know how effective it is but halarious fun with the her kids with the drive walls and 3 Cars looking like an explosion in a Mr matey bubble bath factory. -
Any one else had a need for a porsche' fix" this weekend?
it's great to reminded yourself what a capable car it is - actually felt a little apprehensive as I have been driving my new Volvo v40 manual in this horrible whether so needed to reacquaint myself and remember to switch to left foot breaking for the PDK.
Also reinforced for me that I'm happy I've not switched to 991 gen 1 or even 2 although they are great cars - my new Volvo has TFT screen so you can have 3 completely different screens in 3 colours -amazing for a Luddite like me and downloaded my music directly onto the cars hard drive even making the iPod redundant ,,- but I mention it because it made the GTS seem ever so slightly basic and retro - and. I love that - it amplified to me that this car is for driving!
any how gave the GTS the obligatory TLC and wash after the drive and cleaned all my cars with new snow foam jet wash attachment from Polished Bliss guys - don't really know how effective it is but halarious fun with the her kids with the drive walls and 3 Cars looking like an explosion in a Mr matey bubble bath factory. -
Any one else had a need for a porsche' fix" this weekend?