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Cooling Fan Troubleshooting Guide 1985.5 and Newer 944s Symptom Possible Causes Testing / Repair Both cooling fans run continuously. (Ignition OFF) Bad thermofan switch. Disconnect electrical connector for thermofan switch. If fans stop, the thermofan switch is bad. Bad cooling fan relay. Disconnect the electrical connector for thermofan switch. If fans DO NOT stop, the cooling fan relay is most likely bad. Fan(s) will not run. Bad fuse(s). Fuse 10 - Cooling Fan 2 Fuse 15 - Cooling Fan 1 If neither cooling fan will run, it is unlikely that both fuses have blown at the same time. Bad fan motor. Disconnect electrical connector at fan and take resistance readings on fan motor. An infinite resistance or ground indicates that the motor is bad. Realize that it is highly unlikely for both fan motors to go bad at the same time. Bad cooling fan relay. See procedure for testing cooling fan relay. Bad slow speed fan resistor. In this case the fans will still run in fast speed but, will not run in slow speed. Locate the slow speed fan resistors in the passenger's footwell behind the glove box (on the bottom side of the battery tray) and take resistance readings across the resistors. The resistance should be less than 1 ohm. If the fan(s) will not run at all in slow speed, you'll likely see an infinite resistance. If the fan is simply running very slowly you may see some resistance that is higher than 1 ohm. Realize that it is highly unlikely for both fan resistors to go bad at the same time. Bad thermofan switch. Even if the thermofan switch is bad, the fans should still run in slow speed when the AC is turned on. Fans will not run in fast speed. Bad cooling fan relay. See procedure for testing relay and cooling fan.
Testing Late Model Cooling Fan Relay Procedure 1. Ensure the air conditioning switch is in the OFF position. 2. With the ignition off, disconnect the electrical connector for the thermofan switch (below the upper hose connection at the radiator). 3. Jumper terminals 2 and 3 on the thermofan switch electrical connector. The cooling fans should both start in slow speed.
NOTE The terminals on the thermofan switch connector are not numbered. Therefore it is necessary to determine the terminal numbers by the orientation of the tab on the plug connector (See picture and diagram below).
4. With the jumper still installed, turn the ignition ON. The cooling fans should remain operating in slow speed. 5. Turn the ignition OFF and swap the thermofan switch jumper to terminals 1 and 3. 6. Turn the ignition ON. Both fans should start in fast speed. 7. Turn the ignition OFF and remove the thermofan switch jumper. 8. Turn the ignition ON and place the air conditioning switch in the ON position. Both cooling fans should run in slow speed. 9. If the relay fails any of the above tests it is bad and should be replaced.
Repairing 944 Relays If you suspect or have proven that your Cooling Fan Relay is bad, before you run out and spend $150 USD on a new relay, you may try to repair it. Like many electronic components on a 944, the fan relay is susceptable to cracking of solder joints within the relay. So, before you toss your old relay, open it up and inspect for broken solder joints. You'll have to use a magnifying glass as the cracks will be extremely small (about the size of a human hair). If you're in doubt about the condition of a particular solder joint, resolder it. Clark's Garage © 1998