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New 986 Boxster 3.2S owner


PCGB Member
Hello. I have just bought my first Porsche, a 986 Boxster 3.2S. I am looking forward to the driving experience, but am having to wait a little longer than most. The vehicle is manual and I am paralysed from the chest down. I am therefore looking for a 'Duck Clutch' conversion with ring accelerator and push brake hand controls. Having only had automatics since being paralysed in 2003, I wanted to return to the enjoyment of a manual, however my initial enthusiasm is being tested as more and more heads are shaken when I ask companies to do the adaptions required. Still, I have overcome far greater issues, and intend to take part in track days as well as the odd Sprint. Last year I did some Sprinting in the new 2litre Mini Cooper S (auto) and endurance racing in a Golf GTI (dsg). So hoping to have more fun this year with the Boxster. If anyone knows where is best to get spare wheels for the vehicle, second hand scrubs, performance tuning, please let me know as four wheeled sport is relatively new to me. Kind regards. Talan
Hi, Welcome. I am pleased to see you are not letting your disability limit your enthusiasm. Sorry, I cannot give any advice just wanted to wish you good luck.
I can't help but I've seen some of your YT stuff and it is genuinely inspirational.

My favourite was your post bike crash comment to the hospital Dr that you had no feeling in your legs and as he was stressing you told him not to worry as you were paralysed from the waist down before you got on the bike [:D]

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