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New arrival


New member
New arrival 1st march -car going to paint shop for painting of rear valance and side vents

1st attempt at pictures




Looks ace Chris Are the mods going to be in body colour, presumably? Let us know what your impressions are when you finally get your car.
Hi Chris Interesting to see you car is already here and looking great. Mine is here too, though it is just sitting unloved and out in the rain in the OPC yard at the moment. Still it’s only 25 days and counting. I can understand why you are having the painting done and do think it less than ideal and somewhat cheapskate for Porsche to have effectively taken a step backwards from 997 by not body colouring side intakes/outlets and rear valance. Having said that, I couldn’t actually remember what was on the old car, where it was not such an issue for me with my preference for boring grey. But having looked back at the 997 brochure to check my facts I have now found another retrograde step! Call me old fashioned, but in terms of engineering and aesthetics I do think wheel spokes should be approximately radial. And indeed the 997 centre locks had radial spokes. However I see the 991 centre locks have reduced the amount of metal, and presumably unsprung weight, at the hub. As a consequence of the greater length of the spoke, not helped by an increase in wheel size to 20”, they have had to introduce a stiffening strut mid way. The result to my mind looks like it was designed by someone on the German YTS. Stress fractures on 991 wheels anyone? No doubt things will look different on 1 March. [;)]
Nick, New cars are all stored outside, either in the Reading compound or at a Centre. Prolonged periods of outside storage are the penalty for new number vanity. [:D] Unfortunately, it's Hobson's choice on wheels, unless you go for 5-bolt fixing, I quite like the 20" Turbo wheels which do have radial spokes. [:)] Regards, Clive.
ORIGINAL: Lancerlot Nick, New cars are all stored outside, either in the Reading compound or at a Centre. Prolonged periods of outside storage are the penalty for new number vanity. [:D] Unfortunately, it's Hobson's choice on wheels, unless you go for 5-bolt fixing, I quite like the 20" Turbo wheels which do have radial spokes. [:)] Regards, Clive.
Indeed Clive, but not so vain as to have a personal plate [;)] Yes I agree with you on the 20" turbo wheel and rather wish I had had the courage of my convictions and gone 5-bolt. If there had been a saving rather than NCO it could very well have tipped the balance. Cheers Nick
Very nice Chris Just ordered the coupe version, although I was tempted with the cab, as they took my Turbo S cab in part ex. Stuart
Hi all Thanks for all yr quotes just counting down till 1st march Will post pictures once parts painted Gary hope to bump into you soon Chris m

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