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New Boxster Owner


New member
After 3 years of non porsche ownership (sold my last 996 911 c4s cab 3 years ago), I have now bought a 2003 Boxster S with 29000 miles on the clock.

After some advice please, the car had not had a major service until I bought it in February, and the first thing I did was have it serviced and a brake fluid change.

One of the things raised was the possibility of having the IMS upgraded to the heavy duty roller IMS with modified oil pump conversion. I have read about the IMS failures on Boxsters and don't know if this would be a worthwhile job, albeit a quite expensive one! Please can you let me have your views on this idea, as although I had two 911s I am very new to Boxster ownership.

Thank you
Hi Julie - the real stastics of IMS failure haven't been collated to my knowledge (and possibly couldn't be). In America a bearing designer analysed the failure rate and suggested 9% would fail. Personally I think the analysis is poor.

Here my facts (F) / opinions (O):

M96 model years 02-05 are most prone. These are the single race IMS types. F

Tiptronic and manual are equally affected. O

The risk of failure increases with mileage. O

You have no warning. O

Service history has no impact. O

If the IMS problem bothers you there are low cost solutions. For as little as £600 you can clean out the IMS shaft and renew the bearing. There are other more costly options - ceramic bearings etc.

A big topic, but my ten pence.

KR Lee

Congrats on your Boxster purchase.

As for as IMS failure it can happen without warning on some cars not all.The same can be said about your previous car they suffer same problems IMS and the rear main seals can leak.

There are a few issues on Gen 1 cars Boxsters Caymans 996 997 models.

But as said not all are effected Tracy my wife has run Boxster s every day from 986s to 987s gen 1 without problems.

She now has a 981 so these issues don't exist on this model or Gen2 dfi engines.

It's a call the owner can only decide on upgrade or not but might be a bit of peace of mind to upgrade the IMS

Enjoy your car.


Thank you both for your opinions, and facts! As you say Cliff the RMS on the last 911 was replaced under warranty by Porsche and was starting to leak again just before i sold it three years later.

I have been offered a pretty good price for the job so i think just for peace of mind i'll probably have it done so that i can drive it without constantly having a picture of the engine blowing up in the back of my mind


No problem.

I had a new 996 4S and it had 3 RMS done first at 6k second at 10k third at 12 k all done under warranty .

But enough was enough after the third RMS was done it had to go at huge expense after just 3 years of ownership.

As said it's hit and miss with these cars Tracy has run Boxsters from a 1997 model now on her 5th Boxster used everyday and never a hint of RMS issues so maybe regular usage is the answer who knows.

Try not to worry and enjoy your car.

Hi Julie, Peace of mind can be expensive are you renewing the cluch when you replace the IMS ? Just what was said in the other posts there is no warning when this could fail but with only 29000 miles its hardly run in. Our 986 2003 Boxster S now has almost 89000 miles on and have owned it for 8 years. Regular servicing, maintenance, and use (summer)

Enjoy your car

Malcolm and Carol

Blue 986 Boxster S

So let's say you decide to get a new IMS bearing from LN - and might as well stick in a fresh clutch at the same time. Who fits them? (I'm thinking near to Essex!)


No clutch required as its a tiptronic! The RMS and IMS will be replaced as part of the deal. I think my main fear is that the previous owner seemed to assume that as he was not doing any mileage as such there was no need for regular maintenance, consequently until I bought it the car had only had 3 minor services in 13 years and not even a brake fluid change. So I guess given I've paid a lot less for this than I would have done if I'd bought another 911 then its time to lavish some love and care on it. I am also having it detailed next month to get rid of the swirly marks on the paintwork.

When I bought this i was determined that i wouldn't be as obsessive about it as my last garage queen - but it looks like I'm setting off on the same track! Must change the avatar!


A wise precaution Julie, as was the essential service and brake fluid change.

Hope you get to use it more than the previous owner....enjoy the new purchase.


Welcome back to the fold Julie - I've just this morning added a 987 Boxster to the fleet. It's an 06 but had it been an 05 I'd have got the IMS done for peace of mind.


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