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New Committee.

Brian RS

PCGB Member
As there has been no posting here for a couple of months thought
I would take the opportunity to wish our new "small" Committee
well in their endeavours.
Thank you in advance.
Looking forward to lunch this Sunday.
Brian Winstone.
I was wondering when there might be some sign of life on here[;)]!

Having been so busy I could not make the meeting when the committee was presumably formed... has anyone got any more information regarding this? Thanks.
As this is probably the region for culture thought there
might have been one or two more postings by now!
Well I'm new to porsche ownership so interested in things going on and events etc. Living just South of Cambridge keen to join in at times. Any regular meets or runs organised??

Currently running a Cayenne so if a truck is needed to move stands or stuff no problem :ROFLMAO:

Well I'm new to porsche ownership so interested in things going on and events etc. Living just South of Cambridge keen to join in at times. Any regular meets or runs organised??

Currently running a Cayenne so if a truck is needed to move stands or stuff no problem :ROFLMAO:

Hi, the Cambridge region meet up at the Ferryboat inn, in Hollywell near St ives on the second wednesday of the month at around 7.00 pm onwards. Which was last night.
has anyone got any more information regarding this

Yes the new committee has been formed. We now have a well balanced foursome. Two from Bedfordshire and two from Cambridgeshire. They are John Mcgirl, Mike Runnalls, Derek Wheel and myself. Your Committee is working on a variety of quality events which we hope members from both counties will enjoy. Keep and eye on the Porsche Post or better still come to club night meet members new and old and get the news first hand from your committee with news at Ten - which starts at Nine!

Well I'm new to porsche ownership so interested in things going on and events etc.

Firstly welcome to Porsche ownership and a very warm welcome from Region 24. We are currently working on a variety of regional events which will take place throughout the year. Keep an eye on the Regional section in the Porsche Post the events calander will be published in the Post as soon as the committee have put the finishing touches to it.. We look forward to meeting you at the Ferryboat - and thank you for your offer of help!

John Dunn

Next meeting at Ferryboat is March 12th - hope to see you then.


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