Just a heads up, I noticed a new supplier of quality looking sill repair panels on ebay.
Got chatting to the seller and suggested that to go the extra mile, it would be worth adding the jacking point diamond. A couple of days later he has messaged me to say he has added the jacking point diamond, and updated the listing to suit.
I have no affiliation with the seller, but to me, these look like a viable alternative to oe panels - I have not seen these panels in the flesh, but when I come to re-do my sills I will be giving these a try.
http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221887696569 for anyone interested
Got chatting to the seller and suggested that to go the extra mile, it would be worth adding the jacking point diamond. A couple of days later he has messaged me to say he has added the jacking point diamond, and updated the listing to suit.
I have no affiliation with the seller, but to me, these look like a viable alternative to oe panels - I have not seen these panels in the flesh, but when I come to re-do my sills I will be giving these a try.
http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221887696569 for anyone interested