New South Yorkshire Club Night Commencing 10th April - Please make a note in your diary
The first club night gathering in South Yorkshire takes place in just 1 month, on Wednesday10th April, at The Red Lion, Todwick and we would like as many members as possible to join us to meet old friends and make new friends, all united by our passion for Porsche.
Club nights are primarily social gatherings but it’s my intention that at about 9pm we’ll spend a few minutes talking about forthcoming events, what’s on, who’s going, where members might meet to travel together and any topics or ideas members might want to discuss. I don’t anticipate this taking up more than 5 to 10 minutes of the evening. The ‘official’ start time for club nights is 8.00pm but in reality they start as soon as members gather. We will meet in a room to the right of the bar and bar staff will point you in the right direction.
If it’s the first time you’ve attended a club night and you don’t know anyone, please don’t worry but please make yourself known to me and I’ll ensure that you’re welcomed into the group.
Whilst in all probability there will be more men than women, women will be very welcome, chat won’t only be about cars!
The Red Lion, Sheffield Road, Todwick S26 IDJ is easy to find. It is on the A57 approximately 2.3 miles east of Junction 31 of the M1, adjacent to the first roundabout. There is ample car parking and I suggest that we use the top car park which will be apparent as one drives in. There’s an excellent menu for anyone wishing to eat.
Club nights will be held at The Red Lion on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Whilst I’m very happy to help get this club night up and running, the hope is that a couple of more local members will take on the roll of club night leaders, with support from me and other Coordinators Group (CoG) members. If you’re interested please talk to me.
I look forward to meeting you at The Red Lion.
Roger Goode