..so best introduce myself and get myself along to the meets!
Names Michael from outside Edinburgh and I joined up to the club at the 50th anniversary bash in Cirencester last September which was a great event!
But other than reading the monthly mag and Scott's emails of nice road trips/meets which I havent been able to attend due to work/winter, I havent really got involved so with some new parts and tlc required for the car, I thought I'd introduce myself and car for future meets.
For more pics and spec : http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=958629
Names Michael from outside Edinburgh and I joined up to the club at the 50th anniversary bash in Cirencester last September which was a great event!
But other than reading the monthly mag and Scott's emails of nice road trips/meets which I havent been able to attend due to work/winter, I havent really got involved so with some new parts and tlc required for the car, I thought I'd introduce myself and car for future meets.
For more pics and spec : http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=958629