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Unfortunately, the 3 Hills Challenge has been cancelled again this year which blows our planned event into the water.

In its replacement we are meeting for coffee on Sunday morning down at The Sound Cafe. I would suggest about 11am, meet down there.

Please pass this on to anyone that you can in case I don't reach everyone.

Look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.

Dave Shadwell
Not being up there with the 3 hills thingy,
when and what date are you talking about?
I'm still waiting on the illustious DVLA to send me my new V5 document so that I can then register my porka here on the Isle.
Apparently, the DVLA plant new trees when they recieve a new inquiry; then, when the trees have matured they harvest them and produce paper from same to then print your request on!
Yes.. this is I have been told?[8|]
Oh... and who said only England can have brain dead road enforcement regulators? Looks like the Isle is heading for that Knee-jerk reaction... speed restrictions? Gosh... that will fix every thing!?[:eek:]
And, wait, lets look for those Gatso's.... peek-a-boo , I see you....
( We won't mention better road engineering, or signage, or street signs, or lack of white lines, cats eyes, or house numbers, clearways, double yellow lines, or, or , or ,or, or..........)

I've asked my good man, Tony, to send the obligatory email, but the plan is for this Sunday, 2nd May.

Can you still use the Porker without re-reg'ing it?

I must read up on these speed limit thingies, sounds all very crude. They'll be trying to put speed bumps on the Mountain Road next. By the way, those Redwoods take a long time to mature!
Why do you need the DVLA? Can't you just go into the IoM Licensing Office, select a reg number and get them to do the paper work? The main benefits of having Manx plates are when using the car in the UK!!!!!
Good points, But;
To register my Porka here (IoM) required my DVLA V5 document to be handed in to IoM rego to then send back to the DVLA, but, but, as my car had a personel number plate and someone in the club (mainland) wanted the plate, I sold it. This then started a whole series of events.
To sell the plate, required transfering, and with the car now here on the Isle this was more than what the DVLA could handle... I'm sure they use a flow chart... and if your request is outside of that flow chart, they just don't know what to do...... amazing.
Luckly, I found a lady in a DVLA office in Wimbledon who wanted to help???
Yeah, I know, A public servant who wanted to help a memeber of the public![:-]
Any way, at this point the car has a new generic UK DVLA rego number, but this is only to enable me to then re-register with Iom, therefore I have not bothered with new plates, etc. Plus, on the insurance side, technically, the car is un-registered. Plus, I am still waiting for the new V5 doc form DVLA.
And thats only part off the story![X(]

As for the speed restrictions;
Like all good dreams, you must wake-up sometime!
Lets face it; how many Ford escorts can you see doing less than 40mph on any road here on IOM? And what type of person is driving? If a vote were taken (and every one voted), guess who would have the majority? (clue - they have retired)
Oh well -..... where's that punching bag?
Hi Dave,

Nice to meet you and the guys last night. The best email address to contact me during working hours is Speak to you soon.
Nice Car Al,
Good to see a new face on the block,
we must all watch out for a slate grey 964 tearing up the hill![8D]
all the best,
Hello everyone.

Due to a slight administrative cock up the event on Sat didn't happen, as far as I am aware.

I, therefore, propose that we do something this Sunday morning. I suggest breakfast at Harbour Lights in Peel at 10.30am followed by whatever tickles your fancy.

I will endeavour to get an email sent out but if you interested then say so, easier to guage the interest.

In fact, I saw Al yesterday (I think) on his way back to Laxey area. That car looks fabulous coming towards you!

I had forgotten that it was the IAM weekend, as Tony has informed on the other thread, so maybe breakfast is not a good idea. I was thinking of going to meet up with the IAM guys on Sunday morning, about 10.30am, so if you ancy getting the car out then I'll see you there.

I cannot send everyone an email yet as I'm having trouble contacting Tony, who has the list of addresses. As soon as I do I will send out a message to everyone.

Cheers for now.


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